
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I just had team changes for the second time! So, in honor of my previous (second) team, the one and only Team Valor, I’m writing this blog to you, my strong, independent women of Valor.

Dearest Valor,
Thank you for challenging me to dive deeper into my identity in Christ and my need for others’ approval or attention during this season simply by being the amazing women you are. It was rough at first but I’m so grateful for the things I learned about myself and my identity in the Lord. Thank you for speaking life into me and loving me just as I am. Thank you for all the laughs and fun memories I get to treasure always. Thank you for pulling together as a team during the hard stuff and stepping in for each other when someone needed to sit out. Thank you for your beautiful souls and for sharing and developing your giftings with me. I’m honored to have witnessed your growth during this season. Thank you for being a safe place and making it hard for me to transition to a new team because you all were home for me. I will forever cherish my time with you all and Women of Valor will forever be bonded. Valor doesn’t end with this team change. It just starts a new, different season where maybe we’re apart and we just fight for each other from a distance. So, here’s to you, my beautiful friends:

Heather: my Headdderr. You’ve been with me since the start. And I’ve loved getting to do this Race thing with you and see you step out in boldness and grow in your giftings and walk with the Lord. You are creative, talented, kind, “you see people”, gorgeous, and fun. A confidante and adventure buddy. Nurturing and bold. Thoughtful and passionate. You are pretty amazing Heath. Not sure how I feel about being separated…gonna have to message AIM about this!

Kep: I’ve loved getting to know you, friend. You get my 1ness (enneagram) and that brings me comfort. Getting sick together in Nepal and taking turns on the squatty… good times. Thanks for encouraging me with blogging and helping me believe I had something worthy to share. You are so artistic and musically inclined. You are sassy and real. Encouraging and fun. Organized and wise. You fight for others naturally and I’ve seen you grow in fighting for yourself and extending grace to yourself. Kep it up! The Lord’s just getting started Friend!

Danielle: Dani with a Y ๐Ÿ˜‰ You are a joy to be around, truly. You bring light everywhere you go and make everything more entertaining and fun. Thank you for digging in with the Lord and being an example of someone who prioritizes time with Jesus. And for being willing to be vulnerable and share what you’re learning! You’ve grown in vulnerability, actively listening and speaking life and I’m so proud! You are wise and crazy fun. Uplifting and a little OCD in the BEST way. You are so dynamic and can do anything you set your mind to. I miss your hugs and radiant smile, Dan!

Margaret: Marge! Oh Marge. From the anaphylactic, mountain descaling, moto riding adventure to deep convos about anything and everything, I’ve loved getting to know you. I’m so glad I get to be in your presence again these last few months! You are so wise and gifted and I’m excited to interrogate you and learn more from you about your giftings and amazing mind. You bring excitement and joy wherever you go, even when you’re just not feeling it. You are encouraging and fun. Beautiful and loyal. Determined and inquisitive. Whatever you decide to do in the future, you’ll be sure to succeed and bring smiles and laughter to everyone you encounter!

Kelly: My KelBell. From the beginning since we were roomies in Myanmar and you so graciously shared your sickness with me, you were a real friend. A safe place. An asker of hard, processing-requiring questions that I needed to confront. I’m beyond grateful to be on your team again because you are so much like Jesus and I just want to learn from you. You are intentional and a prankster. Wise and freakin talented. Selfless and a fighter. Convulsing in laughter one moment and a shoulder to cry on the next. Can’t wait to make more memories and finish the Race with you Kel!

Christa: My sweet Chriiiiista. Where do I even begin? You are a brilliant, selfless, hilarious, adventure-finding, beautiful human. I can’t imagine the Race without you. You are home for me; my confidante and adventure buddy. Your mind fascinates me and your heart is pure gold. You’re always putting others above yourself and going the extra mile to make sure we feel loved and cherished. Servant-hearted to the core. Checking in with us and just being there as a safe place through the ups and downs. So raw and real. Nonjudgmental and inviting. You love people so well. Full of grace, wisdom, and laughter. Unashamedly Christa. I love you Christa and am so grateful we’re forever friends!

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