To the One who makes all this possible, my Abba
You are my PROVIDER
You give me everything I need and more
You are my COMFORTER
You hold me and I know I’m okay because you’re with me
You are my REDEEMER
You take my brokenness and make me whole
You are my FATHER
You love me unconditionally, speak life into me and protect me
You are my REFUGE
I find peace and strength in your arms
You are my WAYMAKER
As I surrender all to you, your will is done in me and miracles abound
You are my LORD
I serve you and your Kingdom is made manifest on earth as it is in heaven
You are my GUIDE
You speak truth into me through your Word and your Spirit, imparting wisdom and discernment and directing my path
You are my JOY
Being with you renews my heart, mind, and soul and your presence gives me joy in all circumstances as we do this life together
You are the Lover of my soul and in you, I am fully satisfied and lack nothing
Abba: you’re simply THE BEST.
All my heart,
I love you, Raina. I am saving these truths this morning and mediating in them. Grateful for you, your heart for God and your encouragement this morning.
Great truths for a great day. 🙂