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Home. A house. A place. A person. A feeling. Comfort. Belonging. Safety. Where you’re free to be yourself. 


I’ve been contemplating the meaning of this word over the past couple years as my “home” keeps changing. On the Race, it was monthly. Now, it’s every 2-3 months. You’d think it’s not enough time to get settled but I’ve learned to call wherever I’m currently staying my home. Whether that be for a few days or a few months. You adapt. That’s what humans do, haha. 


But, lately I’m reflecting on how Home isn’t necessarily a place but a belonging deep in your soul. A oneness where you are free and safe to be your true self and still be loved for it. Jesus has made His home inside of me and He has become my Home, more than ever before. So, it makes it easier to be a migrating gypsy as I am in this season of my life. Because, I don’t have to look for security in my lodging or even my family and friends. As all these things are continually in flux. But Jesus is constant. With me always


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”   Hebrews 13:8

“Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.” 

John 14:23


But, I am truly grateful for all those who have hosted me and provided me housing and the comforts of home on this extended journey of mine since the start of the Race in January 2018. And who’ve loved me and gifted me with friendship and brotherhood in Christ. 


A home-cooked meal, good conversation, a warm mug of coffee (especially if it’s not instant!), games at the table, and a hug give the comfort of home and are truly needed. I never got so excited to see a Starbucks or McDonald’s until I started traveling the globe. It’s a piece of home. Long distance video chats and messaging give me life and encourage me, keeping my soul tethered to life back in the US. Friends and family, both seasonal and long-term, are home. 


But, above all, Jesus is my home. My constant companion and comforter. My hiding place and refuge. My heart and soul.




P.S. Shoutout to Chester Springs team (pictured above) for inducting me as an honorary member and loving me and treating me as part of the family! Y’all are amazing and I love you dearly! 

3 responses to “There’s no place like home”

  1. What a BEAUTIFUL explanation of home. This very much touched my heart. Thank you so much Raina!

  2. Hi Raina,
    So happy to read all your posts. This one really touched me! Jesus is our Home and you said that very eloquently. To be content in our space, wherever it may be. May GOD continue to bless your ministry. What an inspiration you are to me!

  3. Yes!! Jesus is our home!! I’m so proud of you and I love you!! Miss you so much. Keep writing. You are blessing us!!