
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today, I’m going to discuss a mindset change that our teachers repeated to us over and over again during my G42 discipleship program.  Andrew Shearman, the founder of G42, is a man of true humility and He always reminds us that for him it is a privilege to serve the Lord and to make His Kingdom come. That, yes, it is costly and it will actually cost you everything but that it is the highest Honor bestowed on us that we are chosen by God to partner with Him to love Him and His people all the days of our lives and to create Heaven on earth. It is not a burden, but a privilege. Although it may feel burdensome at times, it is not a burden. Jesus says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). It is all about how we choose to view things. The lens that we put on, our perspective. Do we choose God’s perspective and His heavenly lens or our own lens/ the world’s lens?  It’s a choice everyday. And God doesn’t force us to view things a certain way or think in a particular way. He lets us choose. He partners with us but that means that we have control over our part of the relationship. Love is not forceful or controlling and God is love. He is in the business of renewing our minds and yet we already have the mind of Christ for He lives in us (1 Corinthians 2:16). It’s a profound mystery, Christ in us, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:26-27). 


So, friends: let’s choose to change our “I have to” to “I GET to.”  That one little word change really makes all the difference. If we view our challenges and obligations as opportunities and blessings with magnificent possibilities attached to them, then we start thinking with the mind of Christ. God doesn’t view tribulation or circumstances or obligations from a victim mindset but instead from a more than a conqueror mindset. When we think, “I have to do_____”, then we can fall into frustration/ self-pity/ anger/ resentment, impatience, etc. And we lose the opportunity to view the situation as one ripe with possibilities to experience and give away the goodness of God


Instead of “I have to go to work”, we say, “I GET to go to work.” 

Thank you Jesus that I have a job to go to and I have income to support my family and I get to be a light and a thermostat in my workplace to shift the atmosphere to that of heaven and I get to love on those I encounter, staff or otherwise, and I’m expecting you to SHOW UP today at my workplace because I’m showing up and Christ lives in me and you’re a good Father who loves to give good gifts and express your love to your children.  And it’s my absolute privilege to be a vessel of your love to your children, each of whom is made in your image and displays a unique facet of your personality and heart. 


How would our lives change if we renewed our minds to see things as a privilege instead of an obligation? 

  To daily put on the mind of Christ and ask Abba what He thinks of the situation instead of defaulting to our usual reaction/ thought. 

  To realize that the very things we complain about are someone’s answer to prayer they haven’t received yet. 

  To take to heart that Jesus never said it would be easy. In fact, He said quite the opposite, that we would endure suffering. But, that we could take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). If He has overcome the world and defeated sin/ death/ devil once and for all, then so have we because He lives in us.  



Jesus is free but Christ will cost you everything. Salvation is a free gift but you will have to lay your life down if you want to actually follow Christ and bring Kingdom on earth as He did. And yet, it’s still an honor and a privilege to lay it all down for Him and to surrender it all for what He gives in return is exceedingly better. And once you’ve tasted of the goodness and the extravagant love of the Father/Son/Holy Spirit, nothing else will satisfy for you are overcome by His love. It’s just SO GOOD. 


His love overwhelms you and consumes you and then you commit to, day by day, renew your mind and open your heart to His voice and His truth so that you are renewed and made more and more in His image, which is the best version of you. And, pretty soon, you’re seeing the world as He does and His thoughts become your thoughts. And, you choose to view the mundane/ hard/frustrating things as a privilege that you are blessed to experience instead of a chore you have to get through


And, it’s a fight; don’t get me wrong. But, over time and choosing in over and over again, it becomes a habit and then a lifestyle and you start to look more and more like Jesus everyday. And, it’s beautiful. Because, Jesus left so that His Spirit could indwell in His people so that instead of one man trying to reach the entire world, now He has His children multiplied over generations and generations to preach His Kingdom message and make earth like Heaven and be vessels of His love so that the whole earth is filled with His glory (Habakkuk 2:14). 


So, my charge to you (and myself!) is this:


Next time you catch yourself thinking, “I have to ____…”, press PAUSE. 


  • Stop and evaluate and ask the Lord His perspective on the situation.  

  • List at least 3 things that are good about what you are stepping into and give thanks to God for what you have to do. 

  • Then, be expectant of how you will experience the love and goodness of God through this situation. 

  • And, CHOOSE to be strengthened in the Lord and be a vessel of love, joy, peace, and kindness. 

  • Lastly, look for ways to make the environment more like Heaven and listen for Holy Spirit’s prompting and be bold and obey. 

  • And, watch as God works in and through you. 


I dare you. In fact, I double dog dare you!  And see how God shows up!! 


Love y’all.  I need this encouragement just as much as you my dear reader friend so I’m preaching to the choir 🙂


All my heart,



One response to “Mindset shift: making the leap from “I have to” to “I GET to””

  1. Raina, your letters are so meaningful. This World race is an incredible experience. Thank you for sharing so generously with your friends.