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Some things I learned from community living on the Race. Enjoy! 

  1. Built-in accountability partners for everything from exercise to prioritizing time with the Lord

  2. Never have to feel alone or like no one cares

  3. Can actually do life together: 24/7 constant togetherness

  4. Become adept at sharing small living spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, beds, and the like

  5. Headphones are the universal “Do not disturb” signal and the best quality alone time you will get. You learn to tune everything out: people talking, local kids peering over your shoulder, etc

  6. People get comfortable with each other real quick and all manners are tossed aside

  7. You can call out giftings in each other and challenge and encourage each other on the regular

  8. Nudity is a common occurrence (among female teammates): it’s hot and there’s no A/C….

  9. You get to witness others’ growth in the Lord and cheer them on and be a part of their journey with Him

  10. You have numerous adventure buddies to enjoy each country with

  11. People talk in random accents/ voices and tell Dad jokes and break out in musicals and it’s normal

  12. You have quadruple the wardrobe because “what’s mine is yours” and the same 6 outfits you brought get old after awhile so you trade

  13. You count on your teammates for everything from retrieving your lost hydroflask to carrying your big pack when you’re sick or perhaps just had your appendix out

  14. You learn to crank out any type of ministry event at the last minute and everyone uses their individual talents to make it work

  15. Any type of bodily function is discussed at any moment, especially meal times

  16. You learn to fight for others’ voices to be heard and to prefer others over yourself

  17. You whip up a meal with whatever combination of ingredients you have remaining

  18. You become good at balling on a budget and adjusting to everyone’s various allergies

  19. You get close to people that you wouldn’t ordinarily click with initially because when you live in close proximity and are intentional with each other, surprising deep friendships blossom

  20. Accidentally walking in on someone in the bathroom is pretty common

  21. You learn to give and receive hard (constructive) feedback and grow from it

  22. You become spontaneous, adaptable, and flexible: nothing really surprises you anymore and you can change plans on the fly

  23. Your personal bubble gets popped real quick and those non-physical touch people get used to lingering hugs, Lap sitting in packed vehicles, hand holding during prayer, and nit-picking (lice)

  24. You have to rely on your teammates to take care of you and fight for you when you’re sick or injured

  25. Your menstrual cycles sync together since so many women are together and yours is liable to come early and on a travel day, naturally

  26. You learn what your talents and giftings are and how to use them in a group dynamic to edify the Body

  27. You aren’t allowed to go basically anywhere alone and you get used to always being accompanied by someone

  28. You have the unique opportunity to learn from a myriad of amazing people in close living quarters

  29. You discover everyone’s different vices, pet peeves, preferences, and triggers and you push their buttons sometimes just to stir things up a little

  30. You dream of one day when you will have your own actual bed, bathroom with a western toilet, sink, shower, and mirror, and entire bedroom to yourself

  31. At the same time, you know it was those months when your whole team was crammed in one room on the floor that cemented your teams and hold the fondest memories

One response to “Community living: the good, bad, and the ugly”

  1. Fun list to read! I know your life is forever changed because of this opportunity! Praying for you as you continue to process and allow the Spirit to move in and speak to you! Love you friend so much!! I am amazed by you!