The masks we wear
They’re suffocating us
Choking out who we really are
So that what’s exposed is the false version, the cleaned up version of ourselves
But it comes at a cost
This presentation we give to the world
That we’re fine; everything’s great
You don’t ask me the deep stuff
And I won’t ask you
We believe the lies that everyone else has it together
So I must as well
They won’t understand or accept the real me
The one who’s struggling and broken
The Enemy has us fooled, friends
The only way to be free to be our truest selves
Is to courageously step out in vulnerability
To tear off the mask and be real, genuine
Let people into the mess
So they can see the real you
And realize that they too can be real
And loved for who they truly are
At the core, the way God created them
Perfect, unique, loved, free, whole, pure
When we begin to view ourselves as God does
Our lens shift and we can then see others from
His perspective
Beloved, beautiful, good, kind, strong, forgiven
So be courageous; be bold
Be you, unashamedly you
To a world that longs for genuineness and acceptance
Love yourself fully; accept yourself as you are
Flaws and all
Ask the Father who He says you are
And then be that person
Step out in freedom and free others in the process
You belong; you’re His
You are fully known and loved by a God who gave it all to win you back
You’re enough
You’re perfect
You’re loved
Soak in His love and truth
And then give it away
Resist the status quo
Open up and let people in
Root your identity in Christ
So that you won’t be tossed and turned by the waves
And be a lighthouse for others trying to reach the safety of the shore
Guide them to the Lord, the Lover of their souls
The One who sees them and loves them just as they are
Broken and Beautiful
So good Ray
Dropping the mask means exposing our weaknesses which can be very hard to do in a society that places such an emphasis on strength and success. Yet in our weakness, He is made strong.