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Lessons I’ve learned on the Race

  1. Growth doesn’t come passively. You have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone so that God can show up.

  2. Never leave your shoes unattended outside in most areas. They will most likely be stolen. RIP chacos…

  3. Create the culture you want to see. BE the change you want to see in the world. It can start with you.                                  

     —credit to Christa KAIN and Gandhi

  4. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. Fight against it and practice gratitude to the Lord for every little thing and remember all He has done for you when you feel yourself wanting more and not being satisfied with what you have.

  5. The Lord doesn’t need you. He doesn’t need any of us, but He chooses to use us. You have a unique part to play in His grand plan. But you have to opt in; He won’t force you. If you choose to say no, He’ll find someone else but you’ll miss out on being a part of it and fulfilling His will.

  6. You don’t need a namebrand water bottle. They smell, are hard to clean on the field, tend to break and are easily misplaced. You can buy a disposable one instead and replace it regularly.

  7. My identity is secure in the Lord alone. He tells me who I am: not myself, Satan, or anyone else. I have to constantly speak truth over myself though and come back to Him to tell me who I am so I don’t fall for the Enemy’s lies.

  8. Smiles and laughter are universal and bridge across language barriers.

  9. The Enemy has no hold over us. Christ has already paid the price and won the war. But we have to armor up each day (Ephesians 6) and take every thought captive to combat Satan’s lies.

  10. Spiritual and emotional wounds have layers like an onion. We have to process them with the Lord, layer by layer, in order to be truly healed and safe from the Enemy’s attack.

  11. Oftentimes, it is necessary to have faith that the Lord can heal or perform the miracle before He will work and grant the miracle. Faith precedes the miracle.

  12. Always carry an extra pair of underwear with you. GI bugs come out of nowhere, and it’ll likely be on a travel day on a bus or plane.

  13. Salvation can happen in a moment but sanctification is a lifelong refining process of becoming more holy and like Him.

  14. Creating a safe place in a community is vital. However, in order to have a safe place in other people where you feel comfortable confiding in them, you have to first be vulnerable and be a safe place.

  15. The Lord calls us to pursue people that are hard to pursue and may not reciprocate. He never gives up on you so you shouldn’t give up on others.

  16. Pray BIG prayers. It stretches your faith and the Lord loves to bless these because it brings Him more glory.

  17. Duct tape and sharpies are your best friends. Guard them with your life.

  18. Don’t be afraid to dream with the Lord: big crazy dreams. He wants to use you in mighty ways and He is not limited by our human resources.

  19. You are enough just as you are. You have unique gifts and traits that are just what God intended. The Lord loves you as you are so you should too.

  20. Consistent daily time with the Lord is vital and sets the tone for your day. Guard it and prioritize it, come what may.

  21. Charades is more than just a fun game. It’s routine on the field to communicate and you get pretty good at it.

  22. FOMO (Fear of missing out) is a real struggle. However, I’ve learned to care less and to be present where I am.

  23. Americans really are rich. The rest of the world is inundated with poverty. Those who have much are expected to give much away.

  24. Most countries have rice as a staple.  You can always fit just one more spoonful in your stomach: India…#too soon. I think I’ll take a yearlong fast from rice next year…

  25. The Great Commandment (Love God. Love Others.) takes precedence over the Great Commission. Intimacy with the Lord (relationship) is primary and from that, fruit is born (ministry).

from: “Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship“ by: Jack Frost

  1. My voice matters and I need to advocate for myself without hindering others from being heard.

  2. How to purchase things in various currencies in distinct countries while not knowing the language. Just when you get the hang of one currency, you move onto the next country.

  3. Nothing and no one can satisfy the emptiness in our souls. Only Jesus can fill our God-shaped hole. Run to Him as your comfort.

  4. You don’t know what you don’t know.

  5. We all long to be seen, heard, and loved for who we are. So, look around and start seeing and loving those the Lord places in front of you and don’t wait for them to reach out first.

  6. How to Prefer others and Fight for their voices to be heard: the art of dying to self and loving others as yourself

  7. We are each a unique, valuable, and necessary part of the Body of Christ with varying gifts. The Body needs you to function correctly. Without you, something is missing so stop comparing yourself to others and wishing you had different gifts and start using/developing them.

  8. The Lord will provide in miraculous and everyday “mundane” ways. It may come down to the wire but He will keep His promises and make a way.

  9. To maintain joy is a choice and with Jesus, you can have joy in any circumstance.

  10. Life in other cultures requires you to: Hurry up and wait. You get pretty good at entertaining yourself during the waiting part 😉

  11. Plenty of opportunities to live out the Acts 2 church: the church isn’t contained in a building; we are the church

  12. How to be present and be engaged in the current moment when you just wanna give up

  13. Other cultures excel at hospitality. They are quick to pull out a chair and share a meal with no forewarning to complete strangers.

  14. Many people in other countries don’t have much but they have joy. With less distractions, they focus on what’s truly important: family, community, and God.

  15. How to listen to His voice and hear it more clearly and share it with others

  16. Finding the purpose and joy in the tasks I don’t prefer and obeying without grumbling or needing to understand why (#workinprogress)

  17. Life is a lot more exciting and fun when you speak in different accents, break out into random songs with accompanying dance moves, and play “What are the odds?”

  18. Gratitude shifts your perspective and recognizes God’s gifts and reaps joy. You learn to be grateful for things you used to take for granted.

  19. What you fill yourself up with (Jesus, comfort food, social media, unhealthy relationships, etc) is what will spill out. We must fill up with Jesus, abiding in His love, so that out of the overflow of our hearts, His love will pour out onto others. Without love, it’s all futile.

  20. You become a master of mixing and matching the same outfits (and borrowing, picking up from the free table, or purchasing to spice it up a bit) allll yeaaarrr looooongggg. Unless you’re like me and wear black dry fit clothes daily: it’s HOT + no A/C + outside + strict dress code + sweat-making machine = black dry fit. (Chelsy, I’ll send you a pic in a normal colorful outfit after the Race, promise!)

  21. The World Race is not, in fact, about you saving the world. It’s about developing your relationship with Jesus, growing in your giftings, and practicing Acts 2 community.  After the Race is the real mission field.

-Scott Esposito (AIM Nicaragua)

  1. Nothing ever goes according to schedule or plan. Flexibility becomes second nature.

  2. You become comfortable looking a fool for Jesus. Dancing to kids songs and doing hand motions in front of a crowd, messing up the lyrics to a song while leading worship (Breier, “Rich in love” anyone?), and praying in front of loads of people doesn’t phase you anymore.

  3. Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp are your lifeline to the world when you’re abroad. Also, my squadmates know I love to assign ridiculous nicknames to individuals and groups when I get bored. (Messenger > GroupMe. You’re welcome, Valor.)

  4. How to hand wash laundry in various countries with different methods (shoutout to my girl Dre)

  5. I have now officially 100% confirmed that I never want to be famous. Being “white” (essentially) and American in other countries (especially third world) means you have Paparazzi: people touching your skin and hair, following you around and kids fighting to hold your hand, taking pics and demanding them, and yelling “gringa” at you. #Noselfiesplease

  6. Home is where Jesus is and where we’re currently laying our head. Each month, we call a different place our home and we adjust to relatively small, uncomfortable living conditions.

  7. The Lord never promised it would be easy but He does say it’s worth it.

  8. Stop piddling about, supposedly “waiting” on the Lord’s will to be revealed to you. Read His Word. Obey what it says (Basically Love God, Love Others) and start loving people God’s placed in your life.

  9. Accountability partners and discipleship is key to your faith and growth in the Lord. Godly friends who will call you higher, encourage you, fight for you, and love you at your worst are gold and essential to your walk with the Lord.

  10. You get accustomed to scrambling around and preparing things with little notice because hosts often spring things on us at the last minute. Pocket sermons and prepared words of encouragement, go-to worship songs, and practiced bible story skits are part of your team repertoire. (Amanda, deliverance talk, Month 1. #toosoon #midnight #Haven)

  11. Be careful if you tell the Lord you’ll never do something. He’ll likely ask you to do that very thing, just you wait.

  12. If you get a nudging from the Holy Spirit, obey it. You never know how you might impact another in a profound way and by obeying, the Lord will grow you in your faith and giftings.

  13. If you’re feeling unseen or unheard or unloved by someone, address them and be honest with how you feel and don’t let it fester into frustration, bitterness, and resentment. (aka Feedback: Alissa and SQLs, you should be proud 😉

  14. You will get the weirdest tan lines due to dress code rules and wearing the same gear repeatedly. Note to self: if wearing pants with holes in the knees, apply sunscreen to knees. (My girrll Linds)

  15. Ministry is life. Life is ministry. There’s no off switch for ministry because it’s a lifestyle and a calling for every believer, at every waking moment. We are just to share the love of the Father with others and we can do that 24/7. (Ask Team 24/7 about this one… self-fulfilling prophecy…be careful what you choose as your team name 😉

  16. The Lord disciplines those He loves as a Father disciplines his son. Trials are His typical form of discipline. Therefore, if you’re going through a trial, that means Jesus loves you a whole lot and is using it to refine you. (Hebrews 12)

  17. We, as laborers, are called to plant the seed. Sometimes we water the seed but the Lord is responsible ultimately for the plant’s growth. We need to be okay with being the 6th or 7th person who waters it, trusting that the Lord will continue caring for the plant and reap the harvest in due time. Too often, we’re focused on “winning” souls and tallying numbers saved (Isn’t that what you do on a mission trip??) but are we okay just watering what someone else planted and never seeing the fruit of our labor? After all, it’s not about us anyways.

  18. Even extroverts need some alone time. Ear plugs and headphones are life. You learn to get creative and simulate some form of privacy, even if it’s in a room of 15 people. (Noise-canceling headphones = gold, right Chelsy?!)

  19. The Lord is far more concerned about who you’re becoming than what you’re doing/ where you’re going.

  20. You are the Lord’s first pick. You’re not 3rd or 4th in line behind others whom He asked and who opted out. You’re who He wants, specifically you. He has so much He wants to do with you and in you each day. And He chooses you. You’re always invited by Him but we choose whether to a) open the invitation (invite Him in) and b) say yes.

-Rebecca Bannister

I know I learned more this year than what’s listed above but that’s just a start. Ask me yourself if you want to know more!! 

The Lord is good all the time and all the time He is good!!! 

3 responses to “What the Lord’s taught me on this adventure of a year”

  1. You could write 5 books about those lessons. Good stuff!! Looking forward to seeing you next week.

  2. Very wise for a young woman. I’m very proud of you! Can’t wait to catch up when you get home.