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So, during month 7, my lovely teammate Dani did a team time where we wrote a letter to a future world racer. It was during a slump in our team where we were struggling to stay positive due to illness, etc. And it really helped refocus us and give us perspective. So here it is! Hope it helps any future racers or current racers who may need a reminder of why they signed up for the race in the first place. 

Letter to a future world racer:

Hi you World racer you!
First of all, congrats on being accepted on the World Race and for taking the plunge to actually do this thing! This will be the adventure of a lifetime and so worth it! So, I know you may be doubting your decision or questioning if you are cut out to be a missionary. Trust me, we’ve all been there and you will feel like this at different times on the Race, too. But, know that those who God calls, He also equips. So you’re already equipped and qualified to be a World Racer. You’ll likely never quite feel like you’re qualified enough, even on month 11. But that’s okay. That’s how God keeps you humble and dependent on Him. You have to rely on Him to show up and be your strength, especially on the hard days. The hard days will come. I’m at a low point right now in Month 7. But it’s then that you have to push yourself to press into Him more and remind you of your purpose. It’s in these times that you learn perseverance and how to stay hopeful and joyful when you don’t feel that way naturally. It’s hard truly but it’s worth it and it will grow you and develop you in your character like nothing else.

So, why should you do the World Race? Is it all it’s cracked up to be?  

YES, it’s all that and more. On the Race, you will be together with your squadmates on a beautiful journey across the world and in your individual walk with the Lord. You will learn to hear His voice better and grow closer in intimacy with Him. You will grow in your spiritual giftings: recognizing them and having them called out in you by others and learning how to use them to edify the body. You will be placed in the most uncomfortable and awkward situations and just have to roll with it and this will bond you with your teammates and create hilarious memories and foster flexibility, humility, spontaneity, adaptability, confidence, and positivity. You will be mentored and discipled by leadership every step of the way and you will disciple each other as well. You will see how the locals really live in each county and be able to actually do life with them. You will have this unique opportunity to invest in them, be a part of their ministry, and build them up. You only have a short time with each host so make the most of every opportunity and hang out with them outside of ministry. Those moments are often the best and mean the most. Aim to leave your hosts more encouraged and built up at the end of the month than when you started. Your hosts are a ministry, too and sometimes they’re the main focus for the month.

Also, your team is ministry and investing in them should be your priority. Invest on a one-on-one level and seek out your teammates and that will make it better for you and strengthen the team as a whole. Try to see things from their point of view and ask questions if you don’t understand someone’s viewpoint instead of assuming. That teammate that irritates you could be your closest friend if you press into the hard stuff and try to understand them and know them and love them as they are. Die to self and prefer others over yourself. Be the body of Christ. As a team and a squad, you are the living, breathing embodiment of the church. Each member is necessary and valuable. And no one else outside of your squad really understands what you’re going through so treat them as family and you will become a family. Pray for each other and encourage each other. Be each other’s support system and safe place.

Don’t blink. It will be over before you know it. 11 months is shorter than you think. Some days seem like they’re 72 hours long but before you know it, you’re done and you don’t want to have any regrets. So, hug your family tight and then leave them in the Lord’s capable hands. He’s got them and they can survive without you and you without them. Then dig in everyday to this crazy adventure of the World Race and see God show up in mighty ways and your faith be strengthened and rooted deeper in Him. You’re ready. You’re enough. You’re equipped. You’re seen. You’re loved. You’re a World Racer.

With all the love and expectancy in the world,

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